Twelve jewels
The Medicine Way
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This work took 10 years on gems. It is an in depth appraisal of many provings and cases, with a foreword by Scholten and 36 full page colour plates. An artist was commissioned to paint the inner feeling of each of the gems positive and negative. The text includes extensive mental, physical and spiritual indications on these gems: Amethyst, Black opal, Diamond, Gold topaz, Emerald, Lapis laz., Morion, Pearl, Quartz crystal, Rhodonite, Ruby and Sapphire. It is a unique high quality production.
Foreword by Dr Jan Scholten
Some four years ago Peter Tumminello told me about his experiences with Diamond and Opal. His enthusiasm about those gems and remedies was very infectious. I encouraged him to write a book about his fabulous stories, which he was already intending. Over the next few years I asked him regularly about his book, and each time his answer was that it was almost ready, but that it was delayed because he had so many new ideas and gems that had to be included. This is typical of Peters thoroughness; he wants his descriptions to be perfect and his provings to go to the depth and core of the remedy.
Peters search for the essence of remedies led him into the spiritual realm. His descriptions of remedies have all the usual and common physical and psychological aspects. But they also go further into the spiritual meaning, conveying what the remedy means for the spiritual path of the patient. This is a very valuable extension that makes remedies understood on a deeper level.
His experiences with these remedies have been a long journey. This will be obvious when you read this book. And it has become a real, personal journey. Peter hasnt been afraid to go into the worlds of these gems himself. Due to this, some homeopaths might object that his descriptions arent objective enough. But thats an old-fashioned way of thinking, not recognizing the idea of the distant and objective observer doesnt exist. Even in physics, the most objective science, it has become clear that the observer is part and influences the object. The act of observing becomes part of the object seen. Or said more precisely, the object, subject and observing merge into one thing.
The confusion arises from the words subjective and objective. Subjective has the connotation of being unreal, something the subject puts into the phenomenon. But an observer can be very objective when hes prepared to look at his own problems. Then he can distract his own projections from his objective subjective observations. Peter has succeeded in doing that. So his personal journey has been transformed into an objective rapport of these wonderful gems. In this sense one can understand his diversion from the old rules of doing provings. In his provings the provers knew the remedy many times. Peter knew that he had to do things such as this in order to find the depth of the remedies.
The personal attitude has also led to a deep respect for these gems and Nature. Peter hasnt broken the gems in order to triturate them. His respect for the gems didnt allow him to do that. The gems were prepared by immersing them in water, and then potentising the water. One can wonder that this insightful respect has become part of the remedy pictures.
This book is an important extension of the homeopathic Materia Medica; it brings a deepening of our knowledge of remedies and is a personal engagement that makes homeopathy alive. Its a beautiful book.
January 2005
Jan Scholten
Amethyst Immersion is made from a strong purple variety of Amethyst. This substance is crystallised silicon dioxide with traces of Iron, which give its characteristic colour. This is an outstanding medicine and often indicated where homeopaths identify the medicine Phosphorus for an individual. It is for those who are oversensitive and who easily pick up the feelings of others to their detriment. It opens the heart to unconditional love for all. It is an excellent medicine for addictive tendencies, especially alcoholism. It is a useful medicine for ailments of the respiratory tract including asthma and sinusitis. It also acts on the heart and kidneys.
Colour association: purple.
Black Opal Immersion is made from a classic Australian Black opal from Lightning Ridge in New South Wales. Interestingly, it has a reputation of being an unlucky stone. This could be related to the fact that it has the power to release all that has been inhibited and limited. It is for releasing the treasure of the authentic and spiritualised self, for breaking down the barriers of disconnection, repression and imprisonment of our own and societys making. It is for those who desire change, release and transformation. It gives great centeredness and strength in times of change. It is indicated for paralysis (inability to change); chronic fatigue; chronic ear pain and the effects of sexual repression.
Colour association: teal blue.
Diamond Immersion is made from a whole crystal of white diamond, which is chemically comprised of pure carbon. This is an extraordinary medicine for chronic depression and many have been cured by its action. The indications are suicidal feelings relating to self-hate, loss of faith or loss of your most precious possession (be that a person, an object or ones sense of self). Anguish, despair, worthlessness and perfectionism are often associated. On the positive side a great sense of positivity and self-love ensues from its curative use. It is a staunch friend at the time of physical death making passing over fearless and secure. It strengthens the will, enables one to realise his golden desire. Most spiritual among the medicines, it opens the 6th and 7th chakras and opens the consciousness to transformation in every way. Physically it acts on the head, sinuses and anus. It has a specific power over viral diseases.
Colour association: black and the rainbow of colours.
Emerald Immersion is the epitomy of the rich green of nature, the abundance of life force. Psychologically it is indicated when one feels their potential and desire for expression is trapped and needs release. This is often associated with frustration and anger, related to ones own incapacity or situation. The freeing of this feeling leads to a sense of strength, and an ability to undertake tasks that seem insurmountable. It is the medicine par excellence for balancing difficulties in male / female relations. It allows each one to come to the relationship in their strength without aggressive power struggles or emotional manipulation.
Physical: it regulates and distributes heat in the body. It is excellent for migraines (one sided) and has an action on the heart and digestive tract.
Colour association: rich, deep green.
Golden Topaz Immersion is made from the gem often called Imperial Topaz. It has a deep golden or even amber colour.
Psychological: it is indicated for those whose lives are locked up from fear, shock or loss in the past. This often leads to depression, negativity or being out of the body and not in this world. Once these scars of the past are released there is energised enthusiasm, a personal renewal, a love of life that it actuated. Because of its ability to clear away the past it is excellent for creating positive relationship and communication in a family where there was previously dysfunction and lack of communication.
Spiritually: it is for letting go of the world and its trappings and allowing you to make the pilgrimage within. It is the stone for spiritual retreats. It develops devotional love, opening the heart to the divine.
Physical: energises and strengthens and produces steadiness on the feet. It has an action on the liver and lower abdomen.
Colour association: golden yellow.
Lapis Lazuli Immersion is made from one of the most ancient of gemstones used originally in Egypt. This medicine is indicated for the search for meaning, that which is bigger than yourself. It is also for those searching for the cause of unhappiness or disease, or can arise out of being tied to the mundane trivialities of life. Its resolution is in seeing the bigger picture, the aerial view of freedom, beauty and perspective. It is also indicated for those who have not been nurtured properly and it allows them to mother or nurture themselves. Like Golden topaz it improves communication, freedom of expression and connectedness in families. It acts on the throat chakra.
Physical: acts on the thyroid and historically has a beneficial action on the eyes and sight.
Colour association: royal blue.
Moonstone Immersion is made from the classic blue toned moonstone which is a potassium, aluminium and silicon compound. It is particularly indicated for children and the elderly. The mental indicators are commonly feeling alone and misunderstood. It is the lone wolf medicine, for those who have no sense of family and are feeling isolated and abandoned.
Physically it acts on the heart and thyroid gland and is a very useful medicine for those with a tendency to haemorrhage. Women with excessive menstrual bleeding should avoid it in jewellery.
Colour association:light blue.
Morion Immersion is made from the variety of quartz crystal that is black but is transparent on holding it to the light. It is a remarkable medicine for those who are hindered in their life by past events, tainted memories and feelings that have been left on the refuse heap of the unconscious mind. It is often related to physical or emotional abuse where the feelings and memories are suppressed. These people are trapped in the darkness of their past. The release of the memories is often cathartic and intense yet leads to resolution and reconciliation. Physically this medicine works on the lower bowel and urinary system.
Colour association:black.
Pearl Immersion is a medicine of vast import. It is classically associated with and worn by women, in truth it strengthens the feeling nature regardless of gender. It resolves panic, terror, irritability, over sympathy and hysteria when associated with the sensitive feeling nature. It is for those that are insecure and overwhelmed by their feelings. The positive outcome is firmness, balance and confidence all centred in the feeling world. It is a medicine of leadership through integration of feelings. While Diamond immersion it is a medicine of spiritual mastery through the mind, Pearl achieves the same through perfect calmness and peace in the feeling nature. It has a special action on the head (pressing headaches) and eyes (effects of strain). It is an excellent remedy for travel sickness and jet lag.
Colour association: white.
Quartz Crystal Immersion is made from a clear quartz crystal from Kings Bluff in South Australia. It is a medicine for the ego, be it exaggerated or diminished. It is for those looking for recognition, those that have great ambitions. These can be intellectual, spiritual or physical. The resolution of this state is the healing of the tension that arises with these feelings and the realisation that even the small in this world is an indispensable part of the universe. He learns to go with the flow. This medicine brings great visionary and inner wisdom and connection with the spiritual path.
Physical: it is a remedy for colds, flus and glandular swelling and it is important for bone growth.
Colour association: deep violet
Rhodonite Immersion is composed of manganese silicate and the material used in our preparation is from Tamworth in New South Wales. It is the medicine for those that desire wealth but are too selfish and aggressive in seeking it. For these people a sense of generosity and self-sacrifice is developed. Others who need it may be doing all the right things in life but are unable to save or get ahead in a material way. For them it opens the flow to abundance.
Spiritually it is indicated for compassion, selflessness and the suffering for your beliefs or the greater good.
Physical: manganese is used in batteries and Rhodonite is a great energiser. It is indicated for physical trauma much like the medicine Arnica Montana.
Colour association: pinkish red and black.
Ruby Immersion is indicated for those who are suffering from the burden of responsibility in the form of a mission. They tend to take on their life work in a religious way, forsaking the softer and more human aspects of their being to complete their task. This results in too much masculine or yang energy in their lives a wounding of their feminine side. In some situations there is focus on money and power with a loss of heart felt feeling. All these states are resolved by Ruby immersion and a wonderful attunement of heart and will come into play.
Physically: it acts on the cardio-vascular system and is indicated for palpitations, heart disease and easy haemorrhage. It also has a specific action on the shoulders.
Colour association: deep rich red.
Sapphire Immersion is made from sapphires found in Oberon New South Wales. It is the medicine for warming the cold heart. Feelings are shut down from the harsh experiences and traumas of life, from war and violence. This is often necessary for survival, yet it is then carried into ordinary life and becomes a hindrance to love, care and compassion. It allows us to tear away the masks, which hide our true nature. It is also an excellent medicine for creative ideas; it opens up the mind to new perspectives of creativity and different views of world and its phenomena.
Physical: it is a medicine for inflamed arthritic joints. It is also indicated for tendonitis.
Colour association: deep blue.
Foreword by Dr Jan Scholten
Some four years ago Peter Tumminello told me about his experiences with Diamond and Opal. His enthusiasm about those gems and remedies was very infectious. I encouraged him to write a book about his fabulous stories, which he was already intending. Over the next few years I asked him regularly about his book, and each time his answer was that it was almost ready, but that it was delayed because he had so many new ideas and gems that had to be included. This is typical of Peters thoroughness; he wants his descriptions to be perfect and his provings to go to the depth and core of the remedy.
Peters search for the essence of remedies led him into the spiritual realm. His descriptions of remedies have all the usual and common physical and psychological aspects. But they also go further into the spiritual meaning, conveying what the remedy means for the spiritual path of the patient. This is a very valuable extension that makes remedies understood on a deeper level.
His experiences with these remedies have been a long journey. This will be obvious when you read this book. And it has become a real, personal journey. Peter hasnt been afraid to go into the worlds of these gems himself. Due to this, some homeopaths might object that his descriptions arent objective enough. But thats an old-fashioned way of thinking, not recognizing the idea of the distant and objective observer doesnt exist. Even in physics, the most objective science, it has become clear that the observer is part and influences the object. The act of observing becomes part of the object seen. Or said more precisely, the object, subject and observing merge into one thing.
The confusion arises from the words subjective and objective. Subjective has the connotation of being unreal, something the subject puts into the phenomenon. But an observer can be very objective when hes prepared to look at his own problems. Then he can distract his own projections from his objective subjective observations. Peter has succeeded in doing that. So his personal journey has been transformed into an objective rapport of these wonderful gems. In this sense one can understand his diversion from the old rules of doing provings. In his provings the provers knew the remedy many times. Peter knew that he had to do things such as this in order to find the depth of the remedies.
The personal attitude has also led to a deep respect for these gems and Nature. Peter hasnt broken the gems in order to triturate them. His respect for the gems didnt allow him to do that. The gems were prepared by immersing them in water, and then potentising the water. One can wonder that this insightful respect has become part of the remedy pictures.
This book is an important extension of the homeopathic Materia Medica; it brings a deepening of our knowledge of remedies and is a personal engagement that makes homeopathy alive. Its a beautiful book.
January 2005
Jan Scholten
Amethyst Immersion is made from a strong purple variety of Amethyst. This substance is crystallised silicon dioxide with traces of Iron, which give its characteristic colour. This is an outstanding medicine and often indicated where homeopaths identify the medicine Phosphorus for an individual. It is for those who are oversensitive and who easily pick up the feelings of others to their detriment. It opens the heart to unconditional love for all. It is an excellent medicine for addictive tendencies, especially alcoholism. It is a useful medicine for ailments of the respiratory tract including asthma and sinusitis. It also acts on the heart and kidneys.
Colour association: purple.
Black Opal Immersion is made from a classic Australian Black opal from Lightning Ridge in New South Wales. Interestingly, it has a reputation of being an unlucky stone. This could be related to the fact that it has the power to release all that has been inhibited and limited. It is for releasing the treasure of the authentic and spiritualised self, for breaking down the barriers of disconnection, repression and imprisonment of our own and societys making. It is for those who desire change, release and transformation. It gives great centeredness and strength in times of change. It is indicated for paralysis (inability to change); chronic fatigue; chronic ear pain and the effects of sexual repression.
Colour association: teal blue.
Diamond Immersion is made from a whole crystal of white diamond, which is chemically comprised of pure carbon. This is an extraordinary medicine for chronic depression and many have been cured by its action. The indications are suicidal feelings relating to self-hate, loss of faith or loss of your most precious possession (be that a person, an object or ones sense of self). Anguish, despair, worthlessness and perfectionism are often associated. On the positive side a great sense of positivity and self-love ensues from its curative use. It is a staunch friend at the time of physical death making passing over fearless and secure. It strengthens the will, enables one to realise his golden desire. Most spiritual among the medicines, it opens the 6th and 7th chakras and opens the consciousness to transformation in every way. Physically it acts on the head, sinuses and anus. It has a specific power over viral diseases.
Colour association: black and the rainbow of colours.
Emerald Immersion is the epitomy of the rich green of nature, the abundance of life force. Psychologically it is indicated when one feels their potential and desire for expression is trapped and needs release. This is often associated with frustration and anger, related to ones own incapacity or situation. The freeing of this feeling leads to a sense of strength, and an ability to undertake tasks that seem insurmountable. It is the medicine par excellence for balancing difficulties in male / female relations. It allows each one to come to the relationship in their strength without aggressive power struggles or emotional manipulation.
Physical: it regulates and distributes heat in the body. It is excellent for migraines (one sided) and has an action on the heart and digestive tract.
Colour association: rich, deep green.
Golden Topaz Immersion is made from the gem often called Imperial Topaz. It has a deep golden or even amber colour.
Psychological: it is indicated for those whose lives are locked up from fear, shock or loss in the past. This often leads to depression, negativity or being out of the body and not in this world. Once these scars of the past are released there is energised enthusiasm, a personal renewal, a love of life that it actuated. Because of its ability to clear away the past it is excellent for creating positive relationship and communication in a family where there was previously dysfunction and lack of communication.
Spiritually: it is for letting go of the world and its trappings and allowing you to make the pilgrimage within. It is the stone for spiritual retreats. It develops devotional love, opening the heart to the divine.
Physical: energises and strengthens and produces steadiness on the feet. It has an action on the liver and lower abdomen.
Colour association: golden yellow.
Lapis Lazuli Immersion is made from one of the most ancient of gemstones used originally in Egypt. This medicine is indicated for the search for meaning, that which is bigger than yourself. It is also for those searching for the cause of unhappiness or disease, or can arise out of being tied to the mundane trivialities of life. Its resolution is in seeing the bigger picture, the aerial view of freedom, beauty and perspective. It is also indicated for those who have not been nurtured properly and it allows them to mother or nurture themselves. Like Golden topaz it improves communication, freedom of expression and connectedness in families. It acts on the throat chakra.
Physical: acts on the thyroid and historically has a beneficial action on the eyes and sight.
Colour association: royal blue.
Moonstone Immersion is made from the classic blue toned moonstone which is a potassium, aluminium and silicon compound. It is particularly indicated for children and the elderly. The mental indicators are commonly feeling alone and misunderstood. It is the lone wolf medicine, for those who have no sense of family and are feeling isolated and abandoned.
Physically it acts on the heart and thyroid gland and is a very useful medicine for those with a tendency to haemorrhage. Women with excessive menstrual bleeding should avoid it in jewellery.
Colour association:light blue.
Morion Immersion is made from the variety of quartz crystal that is black but is transparent on holding it to the light. It is a remarkable medicine for those who are hindered in their life by past events, tainted memories and feelings that have been left on the refuse heap of the unconscious mind. It is often related to physical or emotional abuse where the feelings and memories are suppressed. These people are trapped in the darkness of their past. The release of the memories is often cathartic and intense yet leads to resolution and reconciliation. Physically this medicine works on the lower bowel and urinary system.
Colour association:black.
Pearl Immersion is a medicine of vast import. It is classically associated with and worn by women, in truth it strengthens the feeling nature regardless of gender. It resolves panic, terror, irritability, over sympathy and hysteria when associated with the sensitive feeling nature. It is for those that are insecure and overwhelmed by their feelings. The positive outcome is firmness, balance and confidence all centred in the feeling world. It is a medicine of leadership through integration of feelings. While Diamond immersion it is a medicine of spiritual mastery through the mind, Pearl achieves the same through perfect calmness and peace in the feeling nature. It has a special action on the head (pressing headaches) and eyes (effects of strain). It is an excellent remedy for travel sickness and jet lag.
Colour association: white.
Quartz Crystal Immersion is made from a clear quartz crystal from Kings Bluff in South Australia. It is a medicine for the ego, be it exaggerated or diminished. It is for those looking for recognition, those that have great ambitions. These can be intellectual, spiritual or physical. The resolution of this state is the healing of the tension that arises with these feelings and the realisation that even the small in this world is an indispensable part of the universe. He learns to go with the flow. This medicine brings great visionary and inner wisdom and connection with the spiritual path.
Physical: it is a remedy for colds, flus and glandular swelling and it is important for bone growth.
Colour association: deep violet
Rhodonite Immersion is composed of manganese silicate and the material used in our preparation is from Tamworth in New South Wales. It is the medicine for those that desire wealth but are too selfish and aggressive in seeking it. For these people a sense of generosity and self-sacrifice is developed. Others who need it may be doing all the right things in life but are unable to save or get ahead in a material way. For them it opens the flow to abundance.
Spiritually it is indicated for compassion, selflessness and the suffering for your beliefs or the greater good.
Physical: manganese is used in batteries and Rhodonite is a great energiser. It is indicated for physical trauma much like the medicine Arnica Montana.
Colour association: pinkish red and black.
Ruby Immersion is indicated for those who are suffering from the burden of responsibility in the form of a mission. They tend to take on their life work in a religious way, forsaking the softer and more human aspects of their being to complete their task. This results in too much masculine or yang energy in their lives a wounding of their feminine side. In some situations there is focus on money and power with a loss of heart felt feeling. All these states are resolved by Ruby immersion and a wonderful attunement of heart and will come into play.
Physically: it acts on the cardio-vascular system and is indicated for palpitations, heart disease and easy haemorrhage. It also has a specific action on the shoulders.
Colour association: deep rich red.
Sapphire Immersion is made from sapphires found in Oberon New South Wales. It is the medicine for warming the cold heart. Feelings are shut down from the harsh experiences and traumas of life, from war and violence. This is often necessary for survival, yet it is then carried into ordinary life and becomes a hindrance to love, care and compassion. It allows us to tear away the masks, which hide our true nature. It is also an excellent medicine for creative ideas; it opens up the mind to new perspectives of creativity and different views of world and its phenomena.
Physical: it is a medicine for inflamed arthritic joints. It is also indicated for tendonitis.
Colour association: deep blue.
ISBN | 9780975732502 |
Author | Peter Tumminello |
Type | Hardback |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2010 |
Pages | 469 |
Publisher | The Medicine Way |