The Link - A Homeopathic Approach to Healing Using the Bowel Nosodes

Author(s) Doris Beauchamp
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The approach in this book of treating chronic diseases is a new and different one. It does not mean that it has not been tried before, but it has not been put together in such a comprehensive way to get the whole picture. Studying Iridology and the dysbiosis found in most people in the digestive system the Bowel Nosodes, pathogenic bacteria of the gut created the desire and basis for further investigation. Their relationship to the chakras, gave motivation to put these in table-form. Firstly for my mine own benefit, then for the students and colleagues, who asked for the table, now found in the back of the book. Encouraged by the feed-back and support received from other Homoeopath how the bacteria of the intestines gives rise to chronic disease THE LINK was created to connect the chakras to:

- the planets

- the colour remedies with their different wave-lengths

- the elements

- the metal remedies

- the sarcodes and the glandular systems of the body

- the Tissue Salts

- the energy bodies

A programme to detoxify the body using the Bowel Nosodes and related remedies is found at the back of the book too. This can be the constitutional remedy, or a low potency combination, as well as Tissue Salts or Flower Essences (of which only the Bach Flowers are in this volume, as there are too many these days to mention them all).

Doris Beauchamp LCH, MARH has experienced Homoeopathic treatment ever since she was a small child, growing up in Germany, where the use of remedies is wildly spread. Therefore, the effectiveness of the remedies was never questioned, only the knowledge of the Philosophy and seeing the bigger picture needed to be acquired. Graduation of the first course was in 1997, many more followed, like the Guild Course of Homoeopathy, Iridology and attending workshops in England as well as in Germany. With great enthusiasm is the collected information now shared at lectures with students and colleagues, or often with the general public too as they should hear what can be achieved with Homoeopathy.

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AuthorDoris Beauchamp

This book review is reprinted from Volume 21, Autumn 2008 edition, with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Petra Wood, UK

The title of this book understates its scope, as it deals not only with bowel nosodes but also covers iridology, the chakras, sarcades, tissue salts and the etheric/energy bodies.

Doris Beauchamp is of German origin and was brought up in the traditions of Rudolf Steiner, which explains her understanding and emphasis of the energy bodies. She also claims that her German origins made her familiar with the tissue salts as her family commonly used them. After completion of her homeopathic training Doris joined the Guild of Homeopaths, which gave her the understanding about the chakras. She is also a practising iridologist. It is the latter that took her onto her quest to explore the bowel nosodes as she claims that iris diagnosis more often than not reveals disturbances in the bowels.

The author gives an introduction to the history of the bowel nosodes as well as the exploration of iridology. It follows a chapter on the energy bodies (following the traditions of Rudolf Steiner). One of the longest chapters in the book is an the chakras, giving basic information, the relevant planet, element, colour, metal, bowel nosode and related remedies for each. There is a chapter about the sarcodes with general information about the original substances and their function as well as suggestions for the use of sarcodes. The chapter on tissue salts is based on their link to the star signs and how each star sign suffers certain weaknesses and is lacking in certain tissue salts.

The book concludes with the author's suggestions on choice of potency (which she acknowledges earlier an is strongly influenced by Rajan Sankaran), a Bowel Nosode Programme and some tables far easy reference.

The author admits that the suggested Bowel Nosode Programme might not appeal to those using a classical approach. It is basically a checklist of remedies to be given over a 3 - 5 months period. The aim is to "clear out" the gut with bowel nosades in 200C potencies followed by polychrests in 10 M potencies and supported with tissue salts.

There are two main drawbacks to the book: firstly, the author is unclear throughout as to whom she is addressing with this book. We therefore get an explanation of "polychrest" as well as a suggestion (without further explanation) to use Pituitary Gland during labour or the Bowel Nosode Programme as mentioned already. Secondly, the layout of the book made it at times painful to read: the author uses punctuation, italics and bold lettering so frequently that it is difficult to see what she is trying to emphasise. At times I felt like I was being shouted at and had to put the book down.

There are a number of little gems in this book and anybody interested in a more esoteric approach may well gain from it. The information on the bowel nosodes, however, is new only in its emphasis on the chakras and energy bodies. Aggrawal's Treatise on the Bowel Nosodes is listed in the bibliography. It appears that the basic information about the bowel nosodes has been taken from Aggrawal whom I prefer due to its ease of access to the relevant information.


This book review is reprinted from Volume 21, Autumn 2008 edition, with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Petra Wood, UK

The title of this book understates its scope, as it deals not only with bowel nosodes but also covers iridology, the chakras, sarcades, tissue salts and the etheric/energy bodies.

Doris Beauchamp is of German origin and was brought up in the traditions of Rudolf Steiner, which explains her understanding and emphasis of the energy bodies. She also claims that her German origins made her familiar with the tissue salts as her family commonly used them. After completion of her homeopathic training Doris joined the Guild of Homeopaths, which gave her the understanding about the chakras. She is also a practising iridologist. It is the latter that took her onto her quest to explore the bowel nosodes as she claims that iris diagnosis more often than not reveals disturbances in the bowels.

The author gives an introduction to the history of the bowel nosodes as well as the exploration of iridology. It follows a chapter on the energy bodies (following the traditions of Rudolf Steiner). One of the longest chapters in the book is an the chakras, giving basic information, the relevant planet, element, colour, metal, bowel nosode and related remedies for each. There is a chapter about the sarcodes with general information about the original substances and their function as well as suggestions for the use of sarcodes. The chapter on tissue salts is based on their link to the star signs and how each star sign suffers certain weaknesses and is lacking in certain tissue salts.

The book concludes with the author's suggestions on choice of potency (which she acknowledges earlier an is strongly influenced by Rajan Sankaran), a Bowel Nosode Programme and some tables far easy reference.

The author admits that the suggested Bowel Nosode Programme might not appeal to those using a classical approach. It is basically a checklist of remedies to be given over a 3 - 5 months period. The aim is to "clear out" the gut with bowel nosades in 200C potencies followed by polychrests in 10 M potencies and supported with tissue salts.

There are two main drawbacks to the book: firstly, the author is unclear throughout as to whom she is addressing with this book. We therefore get an explanation of "polychrest" as well as a suggestion (without further explanation) to use Pituitary Gland during labour or the Bowel Nosode Programme as mentioned already. Secondly, the layout of the book made it at times painful to read: the author uses punctuation, italics and bold lettering so frequently that it is difficult to see what she is trying to emphasise. At times I felt like I was being shouted at and had to put the book down.

There are a number of little gems in this book and anybody interested in a more esoteric approach may well gain from it. The information on the bowel nosodes, however, is new only in its emphasis on the chakras and energy bodies. Aggrawal's Treatise on the Bowel Nosodes is listed in the bibliography. It appears that the basic information about the bowel nosodes has been taken from Aggrawal whom I prefer due to its ease of access to the relevant information.