The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, Pneumonia and Covid-19

Lutra Services
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Dr. Farokh Master does not need any introduction. He has published numerous books and given homeopathic seminars in many countries around the world.

In this book Dr Farokh Master and Dr Prachi Makwana give an overview of all the most often used remedies for influenza, pneumonia, and Covid-19, so you can easily differentiate them. The remedies for influenza and pneumonia are based on several decennia of personal experience.

When the Covid-19 epidemic reached India, initially Dr Master, and all other homeopaths in India, were not allowed to treat Covid-19 cases.

Because Dr Master not only runs a private homeopathic clinic but also works in a municipal hospital (where patients are treated free of charge), in June 2020 he was invited to treat Covid-19 patients with homeopathy in this hospital. The only condition was that he should not intervene with the conventional treatment. Initially most Covid-19 cases which came to the hospital were quite serious and placed on ventilators in the intensive care unit. This meant that proper homeopathic case taking was difficult, and "characteristic" homeopathic symptoms were few. The first homeopathic prescriptions were therefore based mainly on observation and few objective symptoms. Sometimes there was some additional information which could be obtained from family members. When the book went for print, Dr Master had almost a full year experience working in the IC-unit with numerous Covid-19 cases.

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AuthorFarokh Jamshed Master
PublisherLutra Services