Proving - Kunzea Ericoides

Author(s) Nuala Eising
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The elusive Kanuka comes into plain sight through this proving. The transparency of Nuala’s reflections on the substance and the provers’ renderings evoke a clear essence.

Kanuka may belie Nuala’s concern for the generations of time it will take to heal our ancestral afflictions. One prover says, “Injuries heal quickly— the beauty of this remedy.” To “disconnect and distance” ourselves from the past may be a viable strategy in not repeating the mistakes of our ancestors. To end “outdated relationship” with what moves us further along “the road of extinction,” may serve humanity better than reviewing the past for the sake of a better future.

However, that threshold of healing is joyless and duty bound according to Kanuka. To be “disliked, solitary, excluded and alien” is the unfortunate taint of someone steeped in “a complexity of feeling.”  

“Surviving winter” in the context of Kanuka feels dark as the aftermath of nuclear disaster. Why live? is the desperation of a substance that survives where other species cannot, and where our human species finds the substance so useless as to doze it for the sake of “progress.”

Truly, Kanuka is a remedy for our times, and paradoxical to its wound, will be profoundly useful. 

Thank you, Nuala.                           Jessica Jackson, Edmonton Homeopathy, Canada.

I have experienced Nuala doing nineteen provings to date, but this was probably the most disconcerting in my experience.  Nuala has always been totally absorbed by every proving that she has done, but this time the negative aspects were much more pronounced.  Disconnected, elusive, lack of interaction, lack of engagement, extremely distant – these were all characteristics that came out, characteristics completely unlike her when she is ‘normal’.  It proved to be very uncomfortable, sitting with her of an evening, while she was totally uncommunicative, even when I would try to engage with her.  I was concerned at times that she seemed depressed and I wanted to help.  It seemed impossible to get a connection, and this left me with a feeling of impotence.  At the end of the proving, I asked her to promise not to do any more provings in the future; such was the unsettling effect that this one had on me.  She laughed, and that was the first time in four months I experienced Nuala’s laughter.                                                                                                         Jack Eising


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AuthorNuala Eising