Homoeopathic Constitutional Prescribing
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Its aim is to enable the student to understand modern cases in homoeopathic terms so they can apply homoeopathic theory to cases studied.
The book follows through the action of the remedy explaining different interpretations of symptoms expressing at different levels of the disease process or degeneration of the miasm. This includes the use of potency and acute and chronic prescriptions.
An additional feature at the end of each lesson is a section on developing clinical skills which draws on Margaret Roys experience as a supervisor of clinical training and as a psychotherapist.
A full bibliography links to further sources to allow continued study.
Ian Townsend writes in the Foreword: In a time where ever-more complex models for homeopathic case-taking practice and analysis are sweeping the world stage, it is rare to find an author with the discipline of taking herself back to Hahnemann and not just reconsidering his work, but building on it: fitting so well into that tradition that is our medicine of experience by observing clinically, producing theory based on that observation, and then refining theory - and practice - in light of that experience. Her current book represents a genuine contribution to homeopathic thought.
This book review is reprinted from Volume 31, Number 1, Year 2012 edition of The Homeopath
Homeopathic Constitutional Prescribing Margaret Roy pp232 softback ISBN: 095504152X Reviewed by Neil Spence Neil lives in Scotland, practicing in Forfar and Aberdeen. He began his career as a nurse in Intensive Care and registered as a Homeopath in 1995, been in full time practice since. In 2011 Neil spent a month in Upper Dolpo, a remote region in north-west Nepal, where he was able to use homeopathy to treat the subsistence farmers and Tibetan nomads, the majority of the population. He was asked to return, to teach homeopathy, and has recently established a trust to fund this project.
It is refreshing, in these days of increasingly complex models of homeopathic analysis, to read a book written by one of our foremost classical prescribers. Margaret Roy's recently published 'Homoeopathic Constitutional Prescribing' takes us back to first principles, to Hahnemann and his work with chronic disease. Roy's incisive mind and deep understanding of the classical principles, married to decades of experience in practice and her training in educational psychology, has produced a clear exposition of the classical method. She takes Hahnemann as first guide, applies his work in her practice, draws in the experience of Foubister, Close, Kent, Sherr, Shepherd and many others, adapting and building on their work; this has produced one of the most useful modern classical textbooks.
Ian Townsend, in his foreword, reflects on observing Margaret in practice. How often, he asks, do we experience almost every patient coming back and reporting positive results? A pertinent question! The bane of Homoeopathy may be the difficulties of achieving consistent results. Margaret Roy's passion is for the classical method of practice, based on sound principles that have been tested since the dawn of homeopathy. The medicine of experience! Her work allows a precise understanding of complex modern disorders and what homeopaths can do to help.
This book is a self-directed learning text of classical methodology; it examines the interaction of the vital force with the disease process and develops a modern application of the Homoeopathic theory of chronic disease, or miasms.
Margaret explains the theory of miasms and brings it into our increasingly complicated modern world in the most practical manner. Each basic miasm is examined in detail with its essence and its typical signs and symptoms, to help us recognize where we are in the case. The route out of chronic disease is via the acute. A dear understanding of miasmatic theory is essential if we are to help our patients permanently recover their healthy vitality. This book is the sum of all of her experience; a tool for consistent prescribing.
The structure of the book favours learning. Each chapter or lesson is prefaced with aims and objectives, keywords are identified, and at the end of each lesson Margaret reflects on the lesson and provides further food for contemplation. The book contains a wealth of good techniques and advice, insight into practice, a couple of chapters on potency and how to apply it, another offering detailed insight into the progress of the case over an extended period of time.
Margaret Roy benefits from her training in psychology to bring insight to the process of receiving the case. Each lesson is followed by clinical tips and advice on how to put the patient in touch with their own process. This is advice gleaned from many years of practice and teaching at her beloved Scottish College of Homoeopathy, and it rings with truth.
"The greatest block to cure is lack of knowledge of the homeopath". The book will be a wonderfull legacy for as long as homeopaths can spell Hahnemann.