Fighting fire with fire Vol 2
PLEASE NOTE! This book has the same content as Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective. But now with index and a different title.
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Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 38 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book, his third, he continues to add new remedies to reach this goal for our patients. It is an indispensable tool to achieve consistently better results in our practice. Homeopathy must adapt to a world that is increasingly challenging our health. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results.
This book can be seen as the sequel to Fighting Fire with Fire. The general principles explained in Fire are applicable here too.
Materia Medica of over 55 remedies based on hormones, neurotransmitters and on food substances and additives. Of course Ton has included explanatory drawings and cases with many remedies to help you include this method in your practice.
What can we learn from the books by Ton Jansen: Fighting Fire with Fire - Homeopathic Detoxification Chemistry Integrated Therapy
There are now 3 volumes and they all start with an introduction where you can see how Ton has expanded his arsenal of remedies over his many years of experience with homeopathic treatments. He shares with us the result of his quest to make the results better and more long-lasting for the patient.
The book describes both the approach to detoxification of imbalances and the need to use the constitutional remedy as well as a miasmatic appropriate remedy for a successful approach. It is therefore not a cookbook for the homeopathic layman, but an addition to the skills of those already experienced in (classical) homeopathy. Ton follows Hahnemann's basic principles and has extended them with a methodical approach that that takes into account our very complex living environment, now very different from Hahnemann's time. Environmental toxins, including drugs and vaccines, are included in the treatment. Don't be put off by the miasmas, as Ton brings them back to their original forms and describes that there are overlaps within them.
In addition to the direct effects of the (toxic) environment, there are also regulatory disturbances within our bodies that can go out of balance. You can see this in blood tests, where abnormal values are visible, but where you can also find deficiencies (or an excess).
In the books you will find the descriptions of the body's own substances, such as hormones and neurotransmitters (the sarcodes), and also the vitamins or minerals that you can use in homeopathic dilutions.
The properties, characteristics and uses of the various drugs/drug groups are described, such as methotrexate and Poly corticosteroids.
Of course, the books are also a useful reference if you are already working with homeopathy and treating environmental factors. There are several case descriptions to explain things, so the method becomes clearer and clearer.
You will find, as I did, that your results improve when you combine classical homeopathy with the detoxification methods described by Ton.
Hetty Buitelaar, homeopathic doctor, Capelle aan den IJssel.