Dictionary And Help For Further Study Of Allen’s Keynotes

Author(s) Subhas Singh
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Allen’s Keynotes is one of the widely read books of materia medica used by students, teachers, and practitioners. It is indisputably the most read, most used and of course the most popular book not only in India but probably in the world. those who are somewhat less fluent in English or whose mother tongue is not English, face difficulties in reading and understanding some of the words used in the book. Even for those who are much versed in English, some of the terminologies used in the book are difficult to comprehend. Many of the terminologies and nomenclature are quite out of use. Keeping into consideration, the difficulties faced by readers in reading and understanding the vocabulary used in Allen’s Keynotes, the author has come up with this dictionary of Allen’s Keynotes Those who have understood and grasped the basic structure, formation and underlying principle of Allen’s Key Notes know that the utility and clinical applicability of the book depend mainly on comparisons. With this in mind, this book is being presented to the profession. The author has done his best to provide the word meanings to all the difficult terminologies and nomenclature used in Allen’s Keynotes. In this book, the related symptoms of all medicines have been placed together. The Keynote symptoms have been placed under different chapters and sub-chapters. Book Highlights: • word meanings to some of the selected words, terms, and nomenclatures used in Allen’s Key Notes are given • the symptoms (Keynotes) are segregated according to the various chapters and sub-chapters • the unrelated but similar-sounding symptoms are clubbed at one place, to make comprehension and learning of Allen’s keynote easier • Arrangement of relationship in different headings

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AuthorSubhas Singh