Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine vol. 1

Educatief centrum voor Homeopathi
Author(s) Erik van Woensel
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What this book has to offer you.
Clear instructions about how to analyse the information coming from the homeopathic consultation and how to synthesize this outcome into a homeopathic prescription
Insight in how to make a prognosis, considering:
what has to be treated as to pathology, what the condition of the defence mechanism is and the patients level of health, possible causative and disease-maintaining factors, the patients personal and family medical history, the patients functioning as a human being: mentally, emotionally and socially, the clearness of the remedy pattern.
Information that enables you to better estimate the duration and complexity of the treatment. The ability to judge the symptoms presented in the case as to their peculiarity and how to find the distinctive characteristic symptoms of the case. A well-structured schedule about the different strategies that can be used to arrive at a homeopathic prescription, enabling you to choose the right strategy in order to make the correct prescription. Knowledge how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one. Guidelines along which you can select the right potency to start the treatment with. Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy. Fifty-one cases, with a long-term treatment up to more than twenty years, to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

More Information
SubtitleCase studies - Long term treatment - Theory
AuthorErik van Woensel
Publication Date2011
PublisherEducatief centrum voor Homeopathi

This book review is reprinted from Volume 31, Number 1, Year 2012 edition of The Homeopath

Reviewed by Gordon Sambidge

Gordon Sambridge is Principal of the Center for Homeopathic Education in London and practices in Hertfordshire and London.

Erik van Woensel has provided an essential book for the homeopathic community with special significance for student homeopaths. I believe this text will become a compulsory text book for all homeopathic colleges with regard to the practical application of homeopathy.

The book is divided into two sections; the first part focuses in depth on the theory of case analysis whilst the second section offers a clear analysis, evaluation and prescription for fifty one cases allowing the student to synthesize this information within the context of homeopathic philosophy.

The author states that he has been in the habit of reflecting on the classic literature of homeopathy to help resolve problems with casework and analysis. This is illustrated in the first section of the book with the constant reference to Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkas, Burnett, Farringdon, Coulter, Tyler and many other fundamental figures in homeopathy. The principles of homeopathy that he discusses are constructed from a solid basis of homeopathic philosophy and provide an explanation to all aspects of case analysis. They are recorded as steps needed to be taken when analyzing a case. These steps consist of: making a prognosis, finding characteristics symptoms, choosing a strategy to find a remedy, and differentiating the appropriate remedies, selecting the most similar one and choice of potency to begin the treatment. I found this method of describing steps towards case analysis to be extremely thorough and provide the student or practitioner with all the requirements necessary to investigate a case. Although much of this first section of the book is a review of homeopathic philosophy previously studied by many homeopaths, it never the less provides a well rounded overview of the necessary components of case work. This will be vital for students in allowing them to comprehend the principles they have absorbed in college lectures and student clinic. It will also be a wonderful refresher for practicing homeopaths to reflect on their current process of case evaluation.

The second section which comprises the majority of the book is taken up with the description of fifty one case studies. The gift of this book is to guide the reader through each case showing a logical justification for each section of the case and resulting in a prescription. Each case is described with a full and detailed analysis. The analysis of each case follows a specified format including a prognosis, selection of symptoms and conclusion. The selection of symptoms focuses primarily on peculiar and intense symptoms. The case continues with clear repertory work using Radar software and the differentiating of remedies. The case finishes with a selection of a remedy with a justified potency and finally a description of the long term treatment of the patient.

Erik van Woensel explains all these cases in a simple and methodical style that is easy to understand and incredibly accessible to the reader. This approach will inspire students to feel capable of treating both acute and chronic cases. The choice of rubrics and the discussion of the analysis is straightforward and the remedies used to facilitate cure are well known to both students and practitioner. These factors will motivate students to want to take and prescribe for cases, encouraging them to have a system of analysis that is thorough and yet not overcomplicated for their casework.

The author is a dedicated homeopath and has worked in close association with George Vithoulkas. The intention of this book is to serve as an example of the possibilities of homeopathy and as part of on an ongoing project called the Archive for Homeopathy.

I have taught homeopathy at various colleges for the past twenty years and it is my firm opinion that this is the most useful book for homeopathic education since Ian Watson's book; A Guide to the Methodologies of Homeopathy.

Classical Homeopathy by Erik van Woensel is currently only available in hard back but hopefully in the future will be produced as a paperback and used by all homeopathic students and colleges as a standard text book. My only regret is that it wasn't written thirty years earlier.


This book review is reprinted from Volume 31, Number 1, Year 2012 edition of The Homeopath

Reviewed by Gordon Sambidge

Gordon Sambridge is Principal of the Center for Homeopathic Education in London and practices in Hertfordshire and London.

Erik van Woensel has provided an essential book for the homeopathic community with special significance for student homeopaths. I believe this text will become a compulsory text book for all homeopathic colleges with regard to the practical application of homeopathy.

The book is divided into two sections; the first part focuses in depth on the theory of case analysis whilst the second section offers a clear analysis, evaluation and prescription for fifty one cases allowing the student to synthesize this information within the context of homeopathic philosophy.

The author states that he has been in the habit of reflecting on the classic literature of homeopathy to help resolve problems with casework and analysis. This is illustrated in the first section of the book with the constant reference to Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkas, Burnett, Farringdon, Coulter, Tyler and many other fundamental figures in homeopathy. The principles of homeopathy that he discusses are constructed from a solid basis of homeopathic philosophy and provide an explanation to all aspects of case analysis. They are recorded as steps needed to be taken when analyzing a case. These steps consist of: making a prognosis, finding characteristics symptoms, choosing a strategy to find a remedy, and differentiating the appropriate remedies, selecting the most similar one and choice of potency to begin the treatment. I found this method of describing steps towards case analysis to be extremely thorough and provide the student or practitioner with all the requirements necessary to investigate a case. Although much of this first section of the book is a review of homeopathic philosophy previously studied by many homeopaths, it never the less provides a well rounded overview of the necessary components of case work. This will be vital for students in allowing them to comprehend the principles they have absorbed in college lectures and student clinic. It will also be a wonderful refresher for practicing homeopaths to reflect on their current process of case evaluation.

The second section which comprises the majority of the book is taken up with the description of fifty one case studies. The gift of this book is to guide the reader through each case showing a logical justification for each section of the case and resulting in a prescription. Each case is described with a full and detailed analysis. The analysis of each case follows a specified format including a prognosis, selection of symptoms and conclusion. The selection of symptoms focuses primarily on peculiar and intense symptoms. The case continues with clear repertory work using Radar software and the differentiating of remedies. The case finishes with a selection of a remedy with a justified potency and finally a description of the long term treatment of the patient.

Erik van Woensel explains all these cases in a simple and methodical style that is easy to understand and incredibly accessible to the reader. This approach will inspire students to feel capable of treating both acute and chronic cases. The choice of rubrics and the discussion of the analysis is straightforward and the remedies used to facilitate cure are well known to both students and practitioner. These factors will motivate students to want to take and prescribe for cases, encouraging them to have a system of analysis that is thorough and yet not overcomplicated for their casework.

The author is a dedicated homeopath and has worked in close association with George Vithoulkas. The intention of this book is to serve as an example of the possibilities of homeopathy and as part of on an ongoing project called the Archive for Homeopathy.

I have taught homeopathy at various colleges for the past twenty years and it is my firm opinion that this is the most useful book for homeopathic education since Ian Watson's book; A Guide to the Methodologies of Homeopathy.

Classical Homeopathy by Erik van Woensel is currently only available in hard back but hopefully in the future will be produced as a paperback and used by all homeopathic students and colleges as a standard text book. My only regret is that it wasn't written thirty years earlier.